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WEEKLY MEDITATION: This 20-minute meditation is based on a spiritual practice called Centering Prayer, a silent prayer that places an emphasis on quieting the mind and being still in the presence of a God who desires to commune with us. Why not join us online? We have sessions on Mondays and Fridays. Please contact the church office for log-in information. Information is also available in our Weekly Updates (see above).

The PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY is now an enthusiastic group of knitters and those who crochet. The ministry meets the last Thursday of the month. Since its inception in February 2020, the Prayer Shawl Ministry has created and distributed over 30 prayer shawls to those needing comfort. Please contact the church office for more information.

LADIES WHO BRUNCH Please join us for brunch at the Sunset Grill in Leaside at 10am on the first Wednesday of the month.
Everyone is welcome. Contact the church office for information about joining.

TRANSPORTATION TO CHURCH: We have set up an account with Beck Taxi. Taxi vouchers are available for those in need of a ride to church. Please contact Naomi in the church office, 416-422-0510.

EVANGEL HALL: We continue to support Evangel Hall. Donations are taken to the Hall on dinner/worship Sundays throughout the year. We periodically provide frozen casseroles for Evangel Hall to use as needed. When we are able, we will return to providing a complete dinner at the hall approximately 4 times per year.

DO YOU ENJOY MEETING AND GREETING? As we open up to in-person services, we will need more volunteers to make sure the people who attend feel welcomed at Leaside PC. We would love to have you join our roster of volunteers to serve as ushers for the Sunday worship services. If you are interested, please speak to the minister or email the church office.

AVGEN Fundraiser: You can purchase your regular groceries, etc., and gas using gift cards for your favourite grocery store, pharmacy or gas station, and help the church raise funds at the same time! Simply order your gift cards through our AVGEN Fundraising program and then take the cards with you when you do your shopping. You can also buy a variety of retail cards to give away as gifts. A percentage of each card is automatically deposited to Leaside’s fundraising account. Orders for gift cards can be sent to the church office the FIRST Wednesday of every month. Please have your orders to the church office by no later than 2:00 p.m. on the order day. Please make cheques payable to LEASIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Payment plans can be arranged if you are not able to pre-pay. Please email the church office to learn more.

For more information about Avgen, go to

FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY: If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please follow these three simple steps:

  • complete a note from the bulletin board outside the office and leave it in the Leaside mailbox, or email the church office with the details
  • provide the church office with the information you would like in the bulletin by the Wednesday before and
  • purchase the flowers, and bring them Sunday morning or arrange for delivery before 2 p.m. on the preceding Friday.

NEWSLETTER: If you would like to receive Leaside’s newsletters via email, please contact the church office. Our newsletters are published 3-4 times a year.

PRE-AUTHORIZED REMITTANCE (PAR): This is an easy way to donate to the church on a monthly basis. If you are already a PAR donor, cards are available in the Narthex and outside the church office for PAR participants to use during the offering. If you would like to become a PAR donor, information pamphlets can be found in the Narthex and outside the church office in the hanging container on the wall. If you are interested in signing up, or, for more information about the program please call or email the church office.