In 2019, the Leaside Presbyterian Church Transition Team developed the following purpose statement:
To grow in relationship with Jesus Christ
so that we feel loved and share God’s love with others.
Please note “others” can mean people within the church, those we do not yet know outside of the church, or even beyond human relationships encompassing all of creation that God loves and calls good.
How do we bring our cause to life? These are our values and principles that serve to guide our work and help us create environments where we can be at our natural best. We feel our church is at its best when people do the following:
To welcome: by extending an invitation to all people regardless of ethnicity, social status, age, religion, orientation, and ability; by being an intentionally inclusive, affirming and non-judgmental congregation; by treating each person with respect and dignity.
To worship: by gathering as a community; through broad participation of all ages; by engaging mind and heart; by celebrating Communion; by sharing the peace of Christ; by singing the faith; through silence and reflection; by making room for mourning, lament and celebration.
To support: through pastoral care provided by elders, the minister, the pastoral care committee and individuals of the congregation; through organized small groups and informal networks; by making time to listen deeply to one another; by staying connected to members in need through cards, visits, food and calls; by making sure nobody is alone during coffee hour.
To create: a nurturing environment where people can flourish by discovering and sharing their talents; opportunities for people to innovate and be creative; a safe space for the community to gather and feel connected by sharing something that matters.
To serve: by offering our presence and attention to vulnerable peoples including refugees and those who are economically or socially marginalized; by partnering with churches and agencies to alleviate suffering (Arise, Evangel Hall, etc.); by giving our time and monies to the church.
To learn: through group spiritual practices like Bible studies, book discussion groups, seminars, retreats and meditation, and through personal spiritual practices like reading the Bible, devotionals and prayer or meditation, we become more aware of God’s presence and confident in our faith; by listening deeply to each person, especially those who are vulnerable; by participating in worship.