Last updated: March 24, 2023
Your Re-opening Team continues to respond to the current COVID-19 situation in the community and changing directives. We revise our original plan of October 2020 as needed.
At this point in the pandemic, we continue to have a 3-pronged approach to avoiding infection:
- Encouraging the wearing of a well-fitting mask in indoor spaces
- Enhancing ventilation and
- Keeping up to date with vaccinations
So with that in mind, at LPC we are:
- Encouraging the wearing of KN95 masks while in our spaces. (provided). This includes attendance at all LPC events (Board and Session meetings and other get-togethers such as Prayer Shawl meetings)
- enhancing ventilation by
- keeping windows open in the sanctuary prior to and during the Sunday service and in the parlour for Coffee Hour
- placing our hepa filter in the parlour prior to the service in prep for Coffee Hour
- measuring CO2 levels – usually reading from ~450-550 in both the sanctuary and parlour. We want it to remain below 900
- encouraging everyone to get their bivalent COVID vaccination when eligible.
Please continue to monitor your own health and stay home if you feel unwell.
COVID-19 is not a benign illness, with people who even report mild symptoms remaining at risk for complications in the future.
Remote access via Zoom (from the sanctuary) will continue.
We recognize that everyone is tired of the pandemic, and we continue to worship together in person as long as we can do it safely.
For a helpful set of resources about COVID-19, please see Confused about COVID? Family doctors answer your questions, from the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.
COVID-19 Procedures
- Enter the church via the west door (parking lot entrance)
- You are encouraged to wear a mask (KN95 masks available if you do not have one)
The balcony will be closed for now.
We no longer have any pews cordoned off on the main level, and bibles and hymn books have been replaced. Please continue to maintain adequate distance.
Additional information:
- Music will be provided by our Music Director, Conrad Gold, and by our choir.
- Congregational singing is permitted.
- One washroom (across from the office) will be available during the service. One person/household may use the washroom at one time. An occupancy sign is posted on the door. High touch surfaces (railings, door handles etc.) will be cleaned prior to the service.
- Rooms that remain closed (Ben McLean Chapel etc.) all have signage indicating current limitations.
- The sanctuary doors and windows will be open during the service for ventilation and to decrease the need to touch surfaces.
- The Collection plate will not be passed during the service. A plate will be available in the Narthex for contributions. You can of course continue to send your donations by cheque to the church office or use INTERAC e-Transfer (learn more).
- In-person church school and nursery care remain suspended for now. Please connect with Mary Kopman re on-going Zoom sessions.
Any questions can be addressed by your team during our virtual coffee hour on Sundays after worship. And of course, Reverend Alexander will remind and/or direct us during announcements each Sunday.
We believe that we have put in place a safe plan but encourage you to decide which worship option (Virtual or In-Person) is the best for you based on your current health, risks and how comfortable you feel.